Manager testimonial – Jean-Olivier Schneider
Publié le 02 May 2022

Manager testimonial – Jean-Olivier Schneider

It is thanks to our pool of more than 12,000 Interim Managers on assignment in more than 12 countries that Reactive Executive remains a trusted and excellent partner. You have given us the opportunity to share your testimonials and it is with pleasure that we wish to highlight your experiences!

Discover all the advice from our Interim Managers, experts in their role, to succeed in this job!

Introduce yourself !

Jean-Olivier Schneider, I started interim management in January 2020, after selling the industrial SME that I had managed for 9 years. I mainly work on General Management and Operations Management missions.

What does interim management bring you?

Interim management gives me freedom of choice and action, the fact of being independent and external to the company, before and then after the mission; it is a powerful lever for change.

What do you bring to companies?

I bring to companies a functional skill, an energy and a very operational Management experience, in the service of an objective which must be clearly stated, then validated at the beginning of the mission. I also have the ability to be independent but nevertheless completely involved.

What are your first actions when starting a mission?

At the start of a mission, I very quickly meet all the stakeholders and first of all, the direct collaborators, each individually, and the staff representatives. At the same time, I immerse myself in the company’s financial situation, its “business model” and its management system. This is the essential basis for establishing confidence and legitimacy that allow us to move forward. The rest depends on the objective of the mission.

Do you have any tips for succeeding in this job?

My advice is to be fully interim manager and to be completely invested in the service of the company and the objective of the mission. Of course, you have to be able to rely on solid experience and know-how.

And why Reactive Executive?

My experience as a Reactive Executive is that of an efficient and involved team. In the context of missions that are rarely linear, this is a real added value.

How do you see the future of interim management?

Very good, as decision makers understand better and better when and how to use it. I said it before, it’s a powerful lever for change.

Reactive Executive in a nutshell?

Reactivity !

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