Leader or manager: What are the differences?
Publié le 27 Jun 2018

Leader or manager: What are the differences?

Management and leadership are two expressions commonly confused within a company, especially since they are often used as the other. However, there is a real difference between these two concepts, especially when it comes to authority. The explanations.

Management: a question of organization

By definition, it is a discipline that encompasses all the techniques relating to the management and organization of different resources, in order to manage and administer the company effectively. This function is assigned to what is called a “manager” . It is above all a person expressly designated as a “leader” within a group. He therefore derives his status from this hierarchy and exercises his authority over a formal team. His role thus focuses on defining objectives and organizing the work to be done, so that these objectives are achieved according to a previously established schedule. It thus provides all the necessary directives on the organization of the work to be provided, as clearly as possible, as well as the conditions for carrying out all the tasks planned. To these is added a control of the activity of his team, paying attention, among other things, to planning and reporting .

Keywords: organization, objectives, planning, results, conformism.

Leadership: a new vision

This second concept consists of the ability of an individual to influence other people and motivate them, so that they can perform one or more tasks without constraints, and at the same time achieve common objectives. When it comes to authority, leadership status does not come from delegated power, but rather comes from recognition. The leader does not impose himself as chief or leader. Positioning himself rather on a horizontal hierarchy , he draws his notoriety within his group, thanks to his initiatives, his status as a visionary and above all, his achievements. Being at the center of his team, the latter therefore recognizes him as an informal authority. In addition to his ability to forge close ties with his collaborators, he also pushes them to improve over time, while opening up new horizons for them. He therefore does not content himself with giving directives to accomplish a task, but at the same time guides his collaborators, giving them the example to follow.

Keywords: communication, vision, initiative, listening, motivation, influence.

External manager services

The use of this transition framework is essential when a company finds itself in a decisive situation for its future. Occupying a key position on a temporary basis, this transition manager intervenes to replace someone in an emergency or to manage a crisis situation . Its intervention is also requested in the event of a major strategic event such as an acquisition, merger or preparation for disposal. In addition to supervising a team, he offers a variety of services, to name only the reinforcement of the skills of a team, the restructuring of an organization , the stimulation of growth , the increase in financial performance and results. or improving operational performance.

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