
Performance improvement

Improving performance is essential for any company wishing to meet the needs of its customers and achieve its objectives. This improvement can take different forms and be implemented in different contexts, whether to improve insufficient results or to take the next step in times of success. To achieve the set objectives, it is important to […]

Improving performance is essential for any company wishing to meet the needs of its customers and achieve its objectives. This improvement can take different forms and be implemented in different contexts, whether to improve insufficient results or to take the next step in times of success. To achieve the set objectives, it is important to set up a performance improvement plan , coordinated around a set of concrete and structured actions. However, this improvement policy is not without risk, and it is important to identify and manage these risks to minimize their negative impacts on the organization. With the help of competent and experienced transition managers, it is possible to identify the performance levers to be optimized and to implement effective actions to improve the performance of the company .

How is business performance improvement defined?

An organization must constantly improve its performance in order to meet the needs and expectations of its customers.
We distinguish :

  • Operational performance : it reflects a company’s ability to achieve objectives with optimal use of resources. It is therefore the relationship between the objectives achieved and the means used.
  • Organizational performance : it represents the capacity of a company to organize and structure itself in an optimal way in order to improve its operational performance.

Performance improvement can be implemented in various contexts and implemented in different ways.

In what context should a performance improvement policy be put in place?

In what context should a performance improvement policy be put in place?
In what context should a performance improvement policy be put in place?

When insufficient results are recorded or when a company fails to meet its objectives, implementing a performance improvement policy can help restore some stability .
But improved performance does not necessarily mean a negative situation for a company.
When a business is thriving and delivering good results, a performance improvement policy can take it to the next level and further improve its profitability.
The performance improvement policy is based on an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization . The objective is of course to implement actions to exploit the strengths of the company. But also to compensate for weaknesses by implementing new actions.


Have a specific performance improvement plan

Have a specific plan for improving business performance | Reactive Executive

By implementing a continuous improvement program, a company has the assurance of being able to constantly adapt to changes in the market. A performance improvement plan makes it possible to achieve the objectives set using concrete and appropriate actions .
With Reactive Executive, you are guaranteed to call on an interim manager who will be able to define the objectives to be achieved while proposing an effective action plan. ETI and SME / SMI, we support you in all sectors of activity to improve your results.


What actions should be taken to improve performance?

What actions should be taken to improve performance?

Improving performance requires a good reorganization of processes. The objective is to reduce working time and increase productivity. This improvement also involves researching new tools or new technologies that save more time.
Improving performance will also involve optimizing the structure of the company. By precisely analyzing the tasks of the employees, the optimization of the skills of each one and the profitability of the actions carried out, it is often possible to set up profitable substantive actions, without going through an aggressive policy of cost killing.
The skills of an interim manager allow him to draw up an inventory in order to identify the performance levers to be optimized .

3 actions to take to improve your performance

3 actions to take to improve your performance
Actions to be taken to improve performance

To implement a performance improvement policy, a structured action plan should be coordinated. Based on an organized schedule, this plan aims to achieve quantifiable results.
This process can be summarized in three steps:

  • 1) Analysis and understanding of the situation.
    To put in place an optimal performance improvement strategy, it is necessary to analyze the situation of the company. It is essential to begin by establishing a diagnosis of the existing situation in order to identify the issues and trends.
  • 2) Planning of concrete actions.
    These actions involve optimizing employee skills. Thus, the implementation of a training plan fits perfectly into a performance improvement policy.
  • 3) Monitoring and evaluation of the results obtained.
    Using management tools, it is relatively easy to have a clear vision of the results obtained. It is then possible to precisely determine and evaluate the key success factors. This can determine whether the performance improvement plan is effective or whether it needs to be changed.


Is improving performance without risk?

Improving performance can come with risks for the organization.
Risk factors can negatively influence goals and strategies.

External risk factors:

  • The evolution of demand;
  • The life cycle of a product;
  • Obsolescence ;
  • The environmental footprint.

Internal risk factors:

  • Human resources management ;
  • Financial risks;
  • Environmental risks.

In a constant search for performance, an organization can take risks. They must then be identified to limit the consequences that they could produce.

The role of an interim manager for performance improvement

To take a step forward, increase its turnover and improve its performance, a company has the possibility of calling on an interim manager .

Thanks to his extensive experience, he sets clear objectives and structures the various actions to be implemented in stages. In addition, an interim manager is able to steer projects effectively to improve the performance of the company in which he operates.

Reactive Executive creates a meeting point between a company and a manager. It is the birth of a lasting and effective relationship that we support over time.


How can an interim manager put in place a performance improvement plan?

In the company where he works, an interim manager begins by taking the time to analyze the situation.
His expert dimension gives him undeniable added value. Drawing on his long experience, he provides methodological and technical support to managers and directors. He helps define action plans and thinks about the best solutions.
Its role is to support the improvement of a company’s performance, by positioning itself in a neutral way vis-à-vis the existing management.
His status as a person external to the company allows him to free himself from political issues, so he has real leeway in his actions.


Use an interim management firm to improve performance

Reactive Executive takes the time necessary to identify the challenges of the company wishing to improve its performance . By taking these elements into account, we delegate an interim manager whose profile corresponds perfectly to the challenges of the mission.
We know perfectly the profiles of our interim managers, in order to assign them to missions related to their expertise, but also to their human qualities.

An interim manager has skills such as:

  • Knowledge of the internal and external environment in which the company operates.
  • Knowledge of business processes and challenges.
  • A sense of detail as well as an ability to analyze and understand complex and critical situations. While taking into account financial, organizational and human data.
  • An excellent spirit of synthesis, which allows him to put his finger on the challenges of change and to propose relevant actions.
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