Financial management jobs
Publié le 30 Apr 2018

Financial management jobs

The Administrative and Financial Director ( Transitional DAF ) plays a crucial and strategic role in the company since he has in-depth legal skills and controls the most sensitive financial aspects. He is thus the privileged interlocutor of the general management and the various stakeholders (banks, chartered accountant, general management of public finances, etc.).

Financial missions

He ensures that the company has a sound financial situation and has sufficient cash. This is why in the context of cash management , he controls the present and future conditions of the company’s finances by establishing cash budgets , balance sheets and forecast income statements . As such, it establishes privileged relationships with banks for the granting of loans or for the investment of cash surpluses.

Management of accounting and management control

The accounting must be sincere and faithful. He verifies that the entries comply with accounting standards (IFRS). He supervises a team of accountants during an internal audit and validates the financial statements and annual accounts. Its role also remains preponderant in terms of management control. The analysis of the discrepancies between forecast and actual expenses should lead to modifications and thus optimize financial management.

Expertise in tax law and company law

He has a thorough knowledge of tax law and corporate law. He checks the tax declarations and remains the interlocutor with the Service des Impôts des Entreprises (SIE). He answers questions in the event of a tax audit or even during an investigation or a summons from the financial brigade. He organizes the general assemblies and the boards of directors. He intervenes in technical fields (merger, demerger, etc.).

A role of HRD

He is familiar with social law and may be called upon to perform the duties of Director of Human Resources (HRD) when the company does not have one. Indeed, he knows all the employees perfectly and has a perfect vision of human needs since he supervises the management of payroll and ensures management control, in particular that of the payroll. It can thus intervene in the event of crisis management.

The interim CFO

The profession of Administrative and Financial Director is increasingly outsourced. The reasons are many. More than a million companies in France do not have an Administrative and Financial Director. Many consulting firms and transition management firms have made it their specialty. Former Administrative and Financial Directors, they have the necessary knowledge and skills and supervise a group of employees in order to carry out specific and complex missions. These transition CFOs also have a strong relationship network in the banking and legal fields. They can thus carry out a replacement in the event of leave for example, bring an outside perspective or come to supplement the current CFO.

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