Difference between a consultant and an interim manager
Publié le 18 Jan 2018

Difference between a consultant and an interim manager

Is your company facing a social difficulty? Do you have an external problem that risks impacting all the layers of your structure? You must react quickly. Finding a quick response to the problem is imperative so you don’t get overtaken by events. In the heat of the moment, it’s hard to know if you need management consulting or the intervention of an interim manager . To help you see things more clearly, here is some information to help you understand the differences between management consulting and interim management.

Manager or consultant: external transition workers

Whether you call on one or the other, what brings interim managers and management consultants together is the status they will hold in your company. Both are outsiders who, no matter what, will bring you many benefits.

First of all, they will offer you objective expertise, and this, thanks to an in-depth knowledge of the market. If you are experiencing social difficulties within your company, be aware that management consultants and interim managers will not take part in any cleavages your company is experiencing. They have the ability to take a step back from your issues and approach any problem in a comprehensive manner. And as they are experts, they know how to take into consideration the managerial, economic , human and financial imperatives of your business.

Their mission is crucial : to support change and fulfill the objectives that you set for them. That’s their only goal . Their action is therefore very similar. However, the activity of a management consultant and that of an interim manager do not have the same modes of action, and that is where their difference lies.

Transition management in application or recommendation

Choosing an interim management consultant will only provide advice. Where the interim manager makes it possible to obtain results.

The role of the consultant is only to provide keys to solving your problem, in the form of strategic recommendations . You will then have the choice to implement or not their recommendations.

The transition manager is an operational application. It organizes an audit and evaluation of your company, but it goes further than simple strategic recommendation. He uses the inventory of your company to identify problems, and directly implement solutions to remedy them. Its action is therefore centered around decision-making. His position is defined within the structure, and he evolves among the management services to put in place concrete solutions to meet your objectives. Very experienced and qualified , he has the necessary skills to help your business in the face of difficulty. Efficient , responsive and results-oriented , its mission is calibrated over a temporary period.

In conclusion, the management consultant advises, where the interim manager observes and acts. Depending on the stakes of your issues, interim management may be more suited to solving your problems. Reactive Executive’s interim managers maintain the culture of results and can respond to strategic needs. In particular, if you do not have the necessary skills in-house.

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