All about an interim management firm
Publié le 22 Jul 2021

All about an interim management firm

The international market is full of opportunities and challenges. To be able to follow its evolutions and remain a leader in its field, some companies must learn to adapt, but the road to change is difficult. To achieve this, the use of interim management is often mentioned.

It is a new concept which is gradually beginning to become known in France. Indeed, many do not really know what it is. While it turns out to be a concrete solution to manage certain situations in business. Here’s everything you need to know about an interim management firm .


A transition management firm is an independent unit, external to a company, which can provide qualified and competent people to temporarily manage projects in an emergency situation.

We offer a managerial solution that aims to provide a company with an operational leader or manager capable of bringing about beneficial change. Its transition mission is short-lived, but remains essential to resolve major organizational and execution issues.

When should you call on an interim management firm?

Each company has its own course of action. She does not react in the same way when faced with a difficulty. The problems encountered may differ depending on the company, which requires a tailor-made action plan. You can call on us if you are in phases, such as:

  • Gap management or relay management, which is based on the need to hand over management to another person due to a hasty departure, absence or death.
  • Transformation projects within the company such as mergers and acquisitions, carve-outs or international development.
  • The execution of a new business model which can lead to new responsibilities and new tasks requiring the support of an expert.
  • The need for support in the face of change such as digitization or restructuring in the organization of human, material and financial resources , such as the supply chain.
  • Crisis situations such as the closure of sites or a drop in activity can be a source of tension.

What is the role of an interim management firm?

As an interim management firm, our role is to manage delicate managerial situations that can affect the development of your business. We offer you managers with high potential, who can advise you in a pragmatic and impartial manner, to ensure the success of the mission you entrust to them.

We make every effort to have as much information as possible on the situation, in order to send you the appropriate expert. All the actions that we will undertake will serve to accompany you in order to guide and advise you in each of your decisions. Our role is to provide you with immediately operational solutions, for optimal crisis management and transformation .

What does the interim management mission consist of?

The interim manager’s mission is to achieve an objective. Unlike an employee, he does not have to worry about pressure from the hierarchy and acts completely independently. His mission is temporary. He has no aspirations to join the company. All its decisions are neutral and aim to improve its organization.

Our mission is to start by analyzing the situation of your company. Then, identify your strengths and weaknesses, so that we can make a clear and precise diagnosis of the reality on the ground and draw an appropriate action plan.

We are also helping to improve the skills of the players concerned, so that they can take up the torch when our mission is completed. As an adviser and executor, we take care to be attentive and clear in the transmission of information. We want to guarantee the continuity of the procedures we are implementing to ensure the operation of the company .

Which sectors can call on an interim management firm?

There are no limits. All sectors of activity (industry, distribution, communication, etc.) are eligible for interim management, as long as you need help and the firm has the necessary resources. Whether you are an SME, a startup or a large group, no particular distinction is required.

If you want to evolve or get out of a complex situation, we are here for you. We can also work internationally. We are present in Germany, England, Brazil, China and even Switzerland.

Which professions are concerned?

A transition management firm is generally made up of experienced senior executives who can hold management positions, such as that of general manager, HRD or CFO . However, some jobs are more in demand than others:

  • 21% of the missions entrusted to the firm are functions of CFO (Administrative and Financial Director)
  • 18% are assignments for industrial departments
  • 16% relate to HR missions (Human Resources)
  • 10% rely on logistics or supply chain management
  • 10% affect the DSI (Director of Information Systems)
  • 4% are functions in the marketing and commercial sector

How to choose your interim management firm

The choice of an interim management firm is not made in a hurry. Knowing that the future of a company can depend on the firm’s performance, it is essential that the choice be well thought out. To begin, you will have to make your selection according to the type of mission you are going to entrust to him. He must be able to respond effectively to the requirements of the position. Check their references to ensure their seriousness and experience.

The duration of their intervention is also a selection criterion that should not be skimped. Ask how long they can take to ensure an effective transition. Also prefer firms that have been on the market for several years, such as Reactive Executive. Because it goes without saying that our years of experience are our greatest strength. They made us even better.

Why choose Reactive Executive?

With more than 10 years of existence, we collaborate today with more than 10,000 managers from different backgrounds. Each of them has been carefully selected to ensure the quality of our services. We are attentive to all your needs and we take into account each of your requests to find you “the right person, in the right place.”

Although our presence is temporary, we offer you, during our mission, tailor-made support. It facilitates your immersion in the innovations that we bring so that you become and remain a good entrepreneur. We always try to advise you with a fresh perspective and our greatest strength is our ability to adapt to all situations.

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